Eurachem is a network of organisations within Europe that focuses on promoting the reliability of measurement results in analytical sciences and fostering good laboratory practices.


The first issue of Euroreference (Journal of Reference) was launched in June 2009 as a free online AFSSA 1 publication in both French and English. The original aim was to facilitate the dissemination of information about reference activities among stakeholders both at national and European levels. The topics covered included all scientific and technical aspects of analytical methods and their role in surveillance plans and reference-related regulatory issues. As a common forum for members of reference laboratory networks and all the players concerned, it was geared to National and European Reference Laboratories, animal health and food safety diagnostic laboratories, Ministries and decision-makers, directors of institutions, etc. The AFSSA/ ANSES Editorial board was rapidly joined by representatives of CODA-CERVA (Belgium), ISS (Italy) then PIWET (Poland).
In order to consolidate EU efficiency and in the light of likely developments in EU regulations in the area (animal and plant health laws, amendment of regulation (EC) 882/2004, etc.), we consider it essential to broaden the readership and authorship of this communication tool, thus initiating EuroReference’s conversion to a truly European journal. This initiative has been enthusiastically received by the sister institutions ANSES managed to visit in 2015 and we are now very pleased to announce the launch of this new formula of EuroReference co-edited by CODA-CERVA (Belgium), ANSES and SCL (France), BfR and FLI (Germany), ISS, IZSAM and IZSLER (Italy), PIWET (Poland), APHA and FERA (UK) in addition to the EPPO. Other EU institutions addressing reference laboratory activities in animal and plant health or food and drinking water safety are of course welcome to take part in this new adventure so as to strengthen the network of EU laboratories working in the sectors of animal and plant health and food and drinking water safety.
This first issue of the new Euroreference formula focuses on “reference tools”. We hope you will enjoy it and remain regular readers and authors.